Customer service course

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65 $
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This online course on customer service should be taken by anyone in contact with customers, as it provides you with the steps and best techniques for delivering exceptional service and a memorable customer experience. This online course can be taken at the learner’s own pace and from the location of your choice.

Course presentation

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The videos in this customer service course are approximately 2 hours long. You can review them as often as desired. You also have access to a course plan with hyperlinks for further exploration of certain concepts, PDF content, and a quiz to evaluate your knowledge. This course corresponds to a 2-day in-person training.

Why Customer Service

  • Why good customer service
  • Customers compare more than before
  • A complaining customer tells many people
  • The inverted pyramid
  • Everyone is a customer to everyone
  • The two dimensions of customer service
  • The role of the service agent: serve and sell

How to Satisfy a Customer

  • Definition of customer service: gap between expectation and perception
  • Amaze the customer
  • The HTH system
  • The SOS system
  • Customer motivations
  • Customer promise
  • Organizational measures

Stages of Customer Service

  • The stages


  • Daily preparation
  • Material preparation
  • Mental preparation


  • Initial contact or reception
  • How to make contact

Discovering Customer Needs

  • Discover customer expectations and empathy
  • The SOS discovery
  • How to listen
  • Active listening
  • Alternating questions
  • What to avoid
  • Control the length of contact


  • Rephrase

The Solution

  • Solution: inform
  • Solution: advise
  • Persuade with choices
  • Expressions

Objections – Complaints – Attacks

  • Difficult cases
  • Complaint
  • Objections
  • Techniques for responding to objections
  • Aggressive customer

Conclusion and Follow-up

  • Conclusion of contact
  • Follow-up

Practical Work

  • Video of a service, what do you think?
  • Errors by stage: initial contact
  • Discovery errors
  • Solution errors
  • Conclusion errors
  • Video of another service, what do you think?
  • Preparation
  • Initial contact
  • Discovery
  • Rephrasing
  • Solution
  • Objections
  • Conclusion
  • Follow-up

Summary and Tools

  • Aim for balanced results
  • The stages
  • The role of the service agent
  • HTH technique
  • SOS technique
  • My service: what will I do and say
  • In summary, good service

Customer experience involves impeccable customer service. To achieve this, certain key points must be respected: positive mental preparation, a warm welcome, treating each customer as unique, active listening, clear information, personalized solutions, validation of understanding, and follow-up. The challenge is to provide the most perfect service possible while serving multiple customers. Therefore, we present techniques to shorten the interaction smoothly while satisfying your interlocutor. Customer relations are an art and can be learned!

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