Sales course

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This online sales course introduces you to the steps involved in selling, the techniques and tricks of the best salespeople. This online course also provides you with the tools you need to create your sales pitch and use it effectively. The best online sales course on the market, and you can take it at your own pace, wherever you want.

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The videos in this sales course are about 2 hours long, so you can watch them as often as you like. You’ll also find a lesson plan with hyperlinks for more in-depth information, the content in PDF format, and a quiz to test your knowledge. This course corresponds to a 2-day classroom training.

Sales principles

  • Good selling and the qualities of salespeople
  • The basics of selling
  • Customer motivations
  • Time to sell
  • The sales equation
  • Sales stages

Sales organization

  • The file
  • The pipeline
  • Creating a CRM with Excel
  • Using a CRM
  • If paper file
  • The customer file
  • Classifying customers
  • Planning the approach to a customer

Soliciting and making appointments

  • Why solicit
  • Principles of solicitation and prospecting
  • The voice
  • Common mistakes
  • Preparing calls
  • When and where to call
  • Motivated or not
  • Structure of a call script

Preparing the meeting

  • Material preparation
  • Mental preparation
  • Waiting before the meeting: what to look out for

Making contact

  • Making face-to-face contact: 5 seconds
  • Breaking the ice
  • Introducing the meeting

Discovering needs

  • Discovering the customer
  • SOS discovery
  • How to listen
  • Questions to alternate
  • What not to do


  • Why reformulate
  • How to reformulate

Selling the solution

  • Principles
  • Structured argumentation
  • Matrix argumentation
  • Spin selling
  • Simple SOS
  • SOS global solution
  • SOS comparative
  • SOS comparative advantages disadvantages
  • Questions to get a YES


  • Steps for handling an objection
  • Complaints
  • Real and false objections
  • Response techniques


  • When to close a sale
  • What not to do
  • Closing techniques
  • If the customer refuses
  • After customer acceptance

Follow-up and self-improvement

  • Key follow-up points
  • Customer service and in-store sales coaching grid
  • Sales and customer relations coaching grid
  • Complex sales coaching grid with RV1 and RV2

Summary and tools of this online sales course

  • The stages of sales
  • Getting organized: CRM on Excel
  • Customer file on paper
  • Classifying your customers
  • Planning your approach to a customer
  • Structure of a call script
  • Your preparation
  • Your discovery
  • Your reformulation
  • Simple SOS
  • Your SOS discovery: matrix
  • SOS global solution
  • SOS comparison
  • SOS advantages disadvantages
  • Argumentation matrix
  • Key follow-up points

There are many different sales techniques, and here we present the best of them: SONCAS, AIDA, PSAI, SOS, comparative argumentation. On the other hand, we don’t present techniques we consider outdated, such as SPIN, CAP, SICSIC and BANT.

The aim here is to give you a simple, effective method – the one used by the best salespeople.

You’ll also discover the sales equation, a systematic method for increasing sales, so you can carry out your own self-diagnosis and then decide what’s best for you. You can easily increase your income – you just need to learn how!

Video series PDF course manual

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