Our Courses

How to manage difficult customers


Customer service course


Our online training courses

Our online training courses have been developed from content offered and validated by hundreds of international, medium-sized and small organizations and companies. These courses offer you :

  • A video, made up of 10 to 15 sequences ranging from 6 to 14 minutes each. You can take a few minutes between each episode. You can follow them at your own pace, from wherever you like, and revisit them as often as you like.
  • A lesson plan with hyperlinks so you can delve deeper into key topics on the web, if you wish.
  • PDF content that forms the basis of the course, which you can download and print out.
  • A quiz so you can take a self-assessment test of your knowledge or, if you’re a manager, to evaluate the skills of trained employees.
  • Everything is available on our LMS, and you can track your progress through the training course.

Advantages of online training

  • Flexible scheduling for the learner
  • Learning at the learner’s own pace, with no external pressure, and the option of speeding up or slowing down the course.
  • Global accessibility: courses can be taken within the organization, at home, while traveling, anywhere in the world.
  • Very affordable price
  • Variety of content
  • Accessible to all employees wishing to improve their individual skills, without having to go through their organization’s hierarchy
  • LMS-based tracking of learning progress
  • Knowledge assessment through quizzes, tests and online exercises

The advantages of online training over other courses

  • Face-to-face training
    • Classical face-to-face training courses are often more enjoyable and effective for learners, but they are more expensive, more complicated to organize, and require transportation and accommodation for participants.
    • On-line training is more flexible, less expensive and better adapted to learners’ learning speed. The LMS enables management to monitor learners’ learning and knowledge assessment.
  • Attending conferences
    • Conferences enable participants from different parts of the world to exchange ideas, but a conference is not a training course, it’s a place for sharing information.
    • Distance learning enables personalized learning, monitoring of student progress and evaluation of results.
  • Evening courses
    • Students have to keep to strict schedules when they’re tired from the day’s work.
    • Online courses allow them to choose the times that suit them best, when they are most able to learn. The tool adapts to the learner, not the other way around.
  • Coaching
    • Coaching is a highly effective form of individualized learning, but it’s also costly, as a coach has to be assigned to each learner.
    • Online training is almost as individualized and costs a fraction of the cost, and the manager can follow the learning process without going through the coach. The two types of training can be complementary
  • Self-training
    • Self-training is a good formula, but management has no idea of the training structure, no control over the learning strategy, no progression in the learning path, and no access to skills assessment.
    • On-line training has tools for monitoring learning.